

双语科技百科(近现代成就) 第131期:南极考察-NG南宫娱乐

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本文摘要:Antarctic Science Inspection南极实地考察On November 19, 1984, the Chinese first Antarctic science inspection team started on a journey to Antarctica by the oceanographic research ship Xiangyanghong-X from the Port of Shanghai. The expedition consisting of 591 members from all over China, covered a voyage of 26433.7 sea miles and this joumey lasted 142 days. The members of the Chinese Antarctic Expedition carried out scientific research on biology, geology, physiognomy, upper-atmospheric physics, seismology, meteorology, mapping and marine science as well as making routine observations on such subjects as human medicine and environmental science, etc. Chinese Antarctic Great Wall Station was built on Feb. 20, 1985, located at the southern tip of King George Island in the Shetland Islands of West Antarctica at 6201259S, 5805752W. Chinese Antarctic Zhongshan Station built on Feb. 26, 1989, is located at the Larsemann Hills of Princess Elizabeth Land, East Antarctica at 6902224S, 7602240E. China is planning to set up a third station at the summit of Dome A, Antarctica, during 2008 ~ 2010.1984年11月19日,中国南极实地考察委员会派遣的第一支南极考察队从上海乘“向阳红10号”抵达,回国南极洲和南太平洋展开综合性科学考察。

Antarctic Science Inspection南极实地考察On November 19, 1984, the Chinese first Antarctic science inspection team started on a journey to Antarctica by the oceanographic research ship Xiangyanghong-X from the Port of Shanghai. The expedition consisting of 591 members from all over China, covered a voyage of 26433.7 sea miles and this joumey lasted 142 days. The members of the Chinese Antarctic Expedition carried out scientific research on biology, geology, physiognomy, upper-atmospheric physics, seismology, meteorology, mapping and marine science as well as making routine observations on such subjects as human medicine and environmental science, etc. Chinese Antarctic Great Wall Station was built on Feb. 20, 1985, located at the southern tip of King George Island in the Shetland Islands of West Antarctica at 6201259S, 5805752W. Chinese Antarctic Zhongshan Station built on Feb. 26, 1989, is located at the Larsemann Hills of Princess Elizabeth Land, East Antarctica at 6902224S, 7602240E. China is planning to set up a third station at the summit of Dome A, Antarctica, during 2008 ~ 2010.1984年11月19日,中国南极实地考察委员会派遣的第一支南极考察队从上海乘“向阳红10号”抵达,回国南极洲和南太平洋展开综合性科学考察。这支考察队由来自全国591人构成。

实地考察活动历时142天,航程26433.7海里。考察队展开了生物、地质、地貌、高层大气物理、地震、气象、测绘和海洋科学等领域的实地考察及医药和环境状况的多学科调查。1985年2月20日,中国首次在南极洲南端得兰群岛的乔治王岛上竣工中国第一个南极科学考察基地——中国南极长城站,站址在南纬62 012 59”,西经5805752”处。

1989年2月26日,又在东南极大陆拉斯曼丘陵上竣工中国第二个科学考察基地——中国南极中山站,其座标为南纬6902224”、东经760 2240”。中国从2008年起开始在南极内陆冰盖创建第三个南极科学考察站,计划2010年竣工。

